Latest news from TheGenealogist is they have significantly reduced the prices on their DNA tests. You can now buy a test for under £50! Some of the other more extensive tests offer savings of over £100 and £150 too.
DNA tests make ideal Christmas presents for genealogists or even for yourself. With the reduction in price, they are definitely worth having a look at to possibly help break down that break wall or find that missing ancestral link you've been struggling with.
There are three types of test offered by TheGenealogist to choose from:
MtDNA - Traces your maternal (Mother's) line, this test can be taken by males and females.
YDNA - Traces your paternal (Father's) Line and this test can only be taken by males (But you can ask a male relative to take it if you are female) as YDNA is only passed from father to son. Family Finder - Ideal for genealogists, this test traces both lines and gives you information on the geographic regions your ancestors are from. This test can be taken by both males and females and can show matches within approximately 5 generations.
If you'd like to know more visit
An ideal Christmas gift? DNA testing prices now reduced by TheGenealogist
The latest December issue of the email newsletter from S&N Genealogy Supplies is now available to view. Find out the top 10 recommended gift ideas for the family historian this Christmas and some great offers on their DNA tests which have now come down in price quite significantly . There's also an article looking at the First World War records of various occupations now available to view online. It’s all at
The new email news from S&N provides Christmas gift ideas and more
TheGenealogist has just released a new set of data records from The Institute of Electrical Engineers (The IEE) war memorial records from the First World War.
The IEE war records are a tribute to members of their organisation who died in the Great War. A number of promising engineers lost their lives and the records give an in-depth biography into the background, education, engineering career and war service, including details on how they sadly died. Many of the records come with a picture of the member commemorated.
Taken from the book 'The Roll of Honour of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1914-1919', the records contain extensive biographies, numerous portraits and a map of North West Europe showing the main battlefields.
The records are available to view in the ‘Roll of Honour’ section of the Military Records on TheGenealogist. For more information visit
Since the magazine name change earlier this year from 'Your Family History' to 'Discover Your History', we've now read a few issues from the new editorial team. There was a note of surprise in the genealogy world when the magazine changed its format and style but the new version is both a good read and educational in its choice of topics.
With an emphasis on social history, the magazine appears to complement the other magazines on the market and offer something slightly different. With in-depth articles on how life used to be, it's a good entertaining read.
If you haven't seen it yet, there's more information on their website.
If you have seen a recent issue, we'd love to know your thoughts!
As we enter the month of December, here's a Christmas gift suggestion for a fellow family historian or even a seasonal treat for yourself!
The full range of 2014 Family Tree Maker software available is now available in stock to purchase from S&N Genealogy Supplies.
What's New in Family Tree Maker 2014?
Improved TreeSync — lets you easily synchronize your tree in Family Tree Maker with an online tree.
More organizational tools — stay organized with new tools that let you sort children automatically by birth order and view people by location, grouping them by country, state, county, and city.
New and improved charts and reports — more options and views let you display an individual’s ancestors, spouses, and children together. Also, the Index of Individuals Report has been expanded with options for anniversary, birthday, and contact lists, and more.
New tree branch export — a new export option makes it much simpler to export a single branch of your tree.
More editing options — save time with the ability to copy and paste facts including related source citations, media items, and notes.