Society of Genealogists Free Library Tours & Advice for Members and Non-Members
The Society of Genealogist's blog has announced the upcoming dates for their next tours of the library at their premises in London will be 20 January, 3 February and 17 February.
The SoG Library is packed with many family history records, directories and databases and can be a great help for people searching for their ancestors. With more than 140,000 items spread over three floors it is a treasure trove for genealogists to explore.
While you can just go and explore yourself, asking the staff and volunteers for help when you need it, the SoG recommends that you take a Library Tour so that you are introduced to what they hold.
The visits are free to all, last approximately 1½ hours long, and they are on nearly every second Saturday at 11.15 am.
The Society is also offering free half-hour advice sessions on these Saturdays. You can book an appointment by contacting the library by email or telephone.
To see more take a look at their blog here:
Discover Your Ancestors Online Periodical has published their March 2016 edition.
The Discover Your Ancestors Periodical is a high quality monthly digital magazine that is delivered to the subscriber's own personalised online account every month. The 30+ page online magazine is packed full of stories, case studies, social history articles and research advice and is great for anyone starting out in family history research, or even for those with more experience but who have reached brick walls in their family history.
Discover Your Ancestors March 2016This months articles include:Heavy work: Sue Wilkes digs into the lives and work of Britain’s lead miners
Criminally insane or cold-blooded murderer?: Nick Thorne researches a 19th century cause célèbre using TheGenealogist’s record collections
The privilege of the feu…: Chris Paton explores the ownership records for Scottish land and property
The ancestral laptop: Ruth A Symes explores the history of family writing desks, and what family historians can learn from them
History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on trousers
Meaning business: Jill Morris investigates the history of limited companies
Regular features: This month's region: Cheshire / News / Events / Books / Classifieds
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