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Discover Your Ancestors Periodical online magazine


If you like family or social history then this online publication will be right up your street!

In the March 2023 issue of the Discover Your Ancestors Periodical you can read the following great articles:


Meet the court leet: Archivist Rachel Bates reveals how court leet records can provide a fascinating window into early modern society, as well as aid family history research

Discovering Rugby, Tennessee: Helen Baggott tells the story of a utopian community which didn’t quite work as planned, but has left an interesting legacy for today

Shocking times: Nick Thorne traces historical records for Hertha Ayrton, a pioneering British engineer and scientist overlooked because of her gender

The madness of Ilda Orme: How do you finish writing a biography when you don’t know how the subject’s life ended? Follow Nell Darby on a fascinating and frustrating quest

The father of self-help: Lorraine Schofield tells the story of Samuel Smiles

History in the details: Materials – rubber

Sign up today for only £24.99 and receive the following:

  • 12 monthly issues of the Periodical
  • Access to 500,000,000 birth, marriage and death records
  • Free data: Titanic passenger list
  • Free ebook: Kelly's 1931 Directory of Bromley; including Bickley, Chislehurst, Orpington and District



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Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies Launch

Here is News of an online event Tuseday 9th May 2023:


The Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies (SIGS) has been established with the aim of developing new courses, supporting innovative genetic genealogy research, and working alongside a growing network of partners and organisations.

The launch of this exciting new venture will showcase the research, projects, and opportunities to get involved in the work of the Institute.

Hear from guest speaker Professor Turi King who will talk about the interdisciplinarity aspects of genealogy, the development of genetic genealogy and how she uses genealogy in her work and research. 
Online event Tuseday 9th May 2023:
More about the Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies:

An initiative to promote world-leading genealogy education, events, and research has been launched at the University of Strathclyde.

The Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies (SIGS) aims to deliver academic excellence through the creation of new courses and research opportunities to run alongside the University’s long-standing world-leading postgraduate programme.  

The Institute, based in Strathclyde’s Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL), will also build on the success of the University’s genetic genealogy research projects and work with experts, organisations, and other faculties at Strathclyde to grow a thriving research community for anyone with an interest in family history.

The University is already home to a well-established variety of learning opportunities in the subject, ranging from beginner level short courses and free online courses to a world-leading, online Masters degree and a PhD pathway in History with Genealogical Studies.

The creation of the Institute will facilitate the development of collaborations, driven by a growing international appetite to discover ancestors, build family trees and better understand results from genetic genealogy tests. Coupled with research expertise and in-house knowledge, this will ensure course content is continually refreshed with the latest documentary and genetic research findings.

Tahitia McCabe has been appointed as Head of the new Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies. Tahitia held the position of Course Director for the Genealogical Studies Masters programme for nearly 10 years and brings a huge amount of knowledge and expertise to the role.

A new Course Director, Dr Calista Williams, has also been appointed. Calista previously worked for the University of Aberystwyth’s Lifelong Learning Department, where she headed up their genealogy short course programme.



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You can now explore Wales in the 1830s with the Welsh tithe maps in the Map Explorer™ tool

Five Welsh counties Tithe Maps are now georeferenced to modern and historic maps

TheGenealogist has linked the tithe maps for the Welsh counties of Brecknockshire, Cardiganshire, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Monmouthshire to the Map Explorer™. For the first time TheGenealogist’s subscribers are now able to use these Welsh tithe maps, georeferenced to a variety of historic and modern maps. This will allow the researcher to see how the area has developed from Victorian times through to modern day.


General View Ebbw Vale


The tithe survey came about as a result of the Tithe Commutation Act 1836 designed to change tithes from a payment in kind to a monetary payment. These records are useful for researchers in that they record the names of owners and occupiers, from all levels of society at this time, and give details and value of their holdings. 


Originally tithes were made in kind (crops, wool, milk, young stock, etc.) and were collected mostly for the support of the parish church and its clergy. Generally representing a tenth of the yearly production from cultivation or stock rearing, almost all Welsh parishes were subject to this levy at this time.  


With Map Explorer™ researchers have the ability to display a variety of historical and modern maps so that family, social and house historians are able to view the same plot of land throughout time. Often this will reveal a landscape that has completely changed over the years, as we discover in this week's case study of a house developed in Victorian times. 

  • Total of 421,260 georeferenced tithe plots join those already released for England
  • 570 georeferenced maps have been added in this release 
  • Map Explorer™ now has a total of 5,630,801 georeferenced plots linking to Tithe records across 12,374 total georeferenced Tithe maps

See TheGenealogist’s article: Tracing a House in the Monmouthshire tithes to modern day https://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/featuredarticles/2023/tracing-a-house-in-the-monmouthshire-tithes-to-modern-day-1678/ 

Find out more at TheGenealogist.co.uk/maps/

About TheGenealogist

TheGenealogist is an award-winning online family history website, who put a wealth of information at the fingertips of family historians. Their approach is to bring hard to use physical records to life online with easy to use interfaces such as their Tithe and newly released Lloyd George Domesday collections. 

TheGenealogist’s innovative SmartSearch technology links records together to help you find your ancestors more easily. TheGenealogist is one of the leading providers of online family history records. Along with the standard Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records, they also have significant collections of Parish and Nonconformist records, PCC Will Records, Irish Records, Military records, Occupations, Newspaper record collections amongst many others.

TheGenealogist uses the latest technology to help you bring your family history to life. Use TheGenealogist to find your ancestors today!

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TNA Webinar ┃Researching your family history: 20th Century sources

News from The National Archives (TNA)

Join The National Archives (TNA)'s experts as they introduce you to the key 20th century sources for family history, including the 1939 Register, and the census records.

You will learn how to maximise your use of these popular sources, setting you on your way to discover more about your family tree.

This webinar is presented by Jessamy Carlson, Family and Local history engagement lead at TNA.

Tuesday 16 May at 14:00



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New Release: 1871 UK Census households now plotted on Map Explorer™

The 1871 Census for England, Scotland and Wales has, for the first time, been georeferenced on TheGenealogist. This is the process of linking a record to a geographical spot and means you can now see where a household stood with links to detailed maps on the powerful Map Explorer™. This is set to make investigating the places where ancestors lived in this year even more interesting for family and house historians. 


Viewing a household record from the 1871 census on TheGenealogist will now show a map pinpointing its location. Clicking through from this preview map opens the powerful Map Explorer™ with its georeferenced modern and historical maps. This then enables subscribers to explore their ancestors’ area in much greater detail than on other census sites.


1871 census household pinpointed on Map Explorer™ 


Joining the earlier census releases, which saw the 1911, 1901, 1891 and 1881 census linked up to the powerful mapping tool, researchers can now easily identify with just the click of a button where their forebears had once lived and get a sense of the routes their ancestors used. 


Using these linked maps allows researchers to trace the thoroughfares that ancestors may have walked down as they went shopping, or popped into their local pubs for a drink. Researchers can likewise, work out the routes that their forebears may have taken to get to their nearby churches, or find the shortest way to their places of work and the direction they needed to go in order to reach their nearby park for relaxation. Historical maps can also reveal where the nearest railway station was to their home, important for understanding how our ancestors could have travelled to other parts of the country to see relatives or to visit their hometown.


With this powerful resource, Starter, Gold and Diamond subscribers of TheGenealogist can look into their ancestors’ neighbourhood from home on their computer screens, or even access the census and the relevant maps on their mobile phone as they walk down the modern streets.


The Greater London Area, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire along with most towns and cities can be viewed down to the property level, while other parts of the country will identify down to the parish, road or street.


Albert Mansions and Albert Hall


In this particular census year, Queen Victoria opened the Royal Albert Hall, Gilbert and Sullivan premiered the first of their light opera collaborations at the Gaiety Theatre in London and a technologically advanced lighthouse was switched on near Tyne and Wear. 


Read TheGenealogist's article “Putting 1871 on the map” to discover more as Nick Thorne takes a look at events in 1871 and brings context to the census records. https://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/featuredarticles/2023/putting-1871-on-the-map-1673/ 


About TheGenealogist

TheGenealogist is an award-winning online family history website, who put a wealth of information at the fingertips of family historians. Their approach is to bring hard to use physical records to life online with easy to use interfaces such as their Tithe and newly released Lloyd George Domesday collections. 

TheGenealogist’s innovative SmartSearch technology links records together to help you find your ancestors more easily. TheGenealogist is one of the leading providers of online family history records. Along with the standard Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records, they also have significant collections of Parish and Nonconformist records, PCC Will Records, Irish Records, Military records, Occupations, Newspaper record collections amongst many others.

TheGenealogist uses the latest technology to help you bring your family history to life. Use TheGenealogist to find your ancestors today!



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Roots Magic 9 UK Is Here! Save up to 20% During Launch Week

It has been announce that RootsMagic 9 UK Edition, has been released. This is the latest version of the award-winning genealogy software which makes researching, organizing, and sharing your family history easy and enjoyable.

To celebrate this launch, for the first week S&N Genealogy Supplies are offering 20% off RootsMagic 9 UK Upgrade and 10% off RootsMagic 9 UK Standard and Platinum Edition Downloads - But HURRY, this offer ends 8th March!

To celebrate this launch, for the first week they are offering 20% off the RootsMagic 9 UK Upgrade - making it only £19.95! This is all you need if you have any previous version of RootsMagic.


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