Leading family history publisher S&N Genealogy Supplies have just released TreeView 2, the next version of their popular family history software package specially designed for U.K. family historians.
TreeView stores your family tree on your PC or Mac with the option to easily sync your tree with TreeView.co.uk and its free iOS and Android app, allowing you to keep your family history at your fingertips. Privacy options for your online tree allow you to retain complete control over your research.
TreeView has many powerful features including:
● Sync your tree between the software and all of your mobile devices.
● Display your tree in a variety of different ways including pedigree, family, ancestors, descendants, hourglass, fan and even a full tree view.
● Create beautiful charts and detailed reports in seconds.
● Attach facts, notes, images, addresses, sources and citations to your ancestors.
● View your entire tree on screen, or zoom in to a single ancestor.
● Quickly discover how people in your tree are related using the relationship calculator.
● Identify anomalies in your data with the problem finder.
● Map out your ancestors lives with map view.
● Import or export your family tree using the GEDCOM standard.
Powerful New Features in Version 2
● Linked charting
● Click to focus
● Extra charting features
● 5 new customisable reports types
● Enhanced individual report
● Drag and drop mapping
● Improved search
The new linked charting feature is a great time saver - when you reopen a chart you will be given the option to update it to include any new changes that you have made, such as date or place changes to events.
Whilst using the Tree Views you can click to focus on any person to shift the emphasis on the tree displayed. The person chosen will then become the main focal point of the page.
As well as customising the types of charts, text size, background colours and images, extra charting features have been added so you can now customise the font and colour of the text, along with the colour of the boxes, borders and connections.
Adding to the original report facilities (Individual, Family & Narrative reports), TreeView now comes with a range of new customisable report types, including Address List, Birthday/Anniversary List, Missing Information Report, Descendant Report, printer-friendly Pedigree Chart and a handy blank Pedigree Chart to fill in when out and about researching. All of these reports can be exported in PDF or RTF formats.
The individual report (Which outputs all the details about a person) now supports multiple individuals, so you can select one person and add ancestors, descendants, both or even select your own list of people to include.
The new drag and drop mapping feature allows you to pinpoint an exact place on a map where an event occurred. Co-ordinates for the places you tag are saved and can be exported in GEDCOM files.
The improved search enables you to look for common attributes among your ancestors. You can now search your entire database using keywords, for example “Baker” would find the word in a name, fact, note, etc.
TreeView 2 is a powerful and easy to use family tree program. You can sync to the cloud and your mobile devices. TreeView’s privacy options allow you to keep full control of your data when storing your tree in the cloud.
TreeView 2 Premium Edition (£39.95) - Includes:
○ Full TreeView 2 program
○ Quick Start Guide
○ 4 Month Diamond Subscription to TheGenealogist.co.uk (Worth £59.95!)
○ Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain & Ireland 1893 (Worth £16.95!)
○ Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography (Worth £16.95!)
○ English, Welsh & Scottish Landowners 1873 (Worth £36.90!)
○ Irish Landowners 1876 (Worth £12.95!)
Upgrade to TreeView 2 today for only £14.95
Go to
TreeView.co.uk to find out more.