Great news!
The latest edition of Discover Your Ancestors, the quality super-packed family history magazine has just been published!

Discover Your Ancestors Magazine Issue 11 has 152 pages packed with new in-depth articles, research advice, social and general history, ‘how to’ features, case studies, places in focus, and much more!
This issue features:
- Celebrity genealogies: David Attenborough, Kristen Scott-Thomas and Ridley Scott
- 200 years of Cadburys
- Alternatives to BMDs
- Fake detectives
- Historic hoaxes
- Knife crime
- Poaching
- Press gangs
- Researching pre-1800 Catholics
- Scottish marriages
- The servants’ registry
- Trade unions
and much more!

The 196 page bookazine contains new in-depth articles, research advice, social and general history, 'how to' features, case studies, places in focus, and much more! It is ideal for both experienced researchers and those just starting out.
- Fascinating features about life in the past
- Different types of records explored
- Explore Edward's Era - meet the Edwardians at home and at play
- How to research: Methodists & Dissenters, Scots criminals and family myths
- George Eliot: 200th Anniversary
- Celebrity genealogies: Emily Blunt and Michael Caine
- Over £170 of FREE resources! Including a 6 Month Gold Subscription to leading website TheGenealogist (worth £44.95!) and a 12 Month Subscription to the monthly online magazine, Discover Your Ancestors Periodical.
- Lots of other downloadable resources
- and much more!
Buy your copy from S&N Genealogy Supplies
Discover Your Ancestors Bookazine Issue 7 Just Released!
In the latest issue of this high quality bookazine (196 pages thick) there are articles looking into the family histories of:
- Dame Judi Dench,
- Jenna Coleman,
- Emily Bronte,
- and Roger Moore.
With pages packed with expert advice and fascinating social history this is a wonderful magazine for all those interested in family history.
Buy your copy now:

19th April, 2017
Family History,
Family History Brick Walls,
Family History Fairs,
Family History Societies,
Family Tree,
Genealogy Magazines,
Latest News,
Yorkshire Family History Fair
Family History Show
Family History Talks
Yorkshire Family History Fair
With exhibitors from all over the UK and Ireland, this is probably the largest event of its kind in England. Many family history societies and companies attend each year. There is lots of local history from the York area too.

You don't have to have Yorkshire Ancestors to come to this fair - they can be from anywhere at all! Everyone is very welcome and there is lots to see. There is plenty of parking and refreshments are available all day. There are several lifts to take you to the upper levels, and the whole place is wheelchair friendly.
There will be FREE talks from a number of experts, to discover more see the talks page on their website:
The Yorkshire Family History Fair is run by
Discover Your Ancestors Magazine and sponsored by
Do you really know who you are? Come and find out - you may be surprised!
Saturday 24th June 2017
10am to 4.30pm
The Knavesmire Exhibition Centre, The Racecourse, York, YO23 1EX
Admission: Adults £4.80, Children under 14 FREE
To get your tickets go to:
22nd December, 2016
Family History,
Family History Brick Walls,
Genealogy Magazines,
Handy Tips,
Latest News,
RootsMagic Family Software,
S&N Genealogy Supplies,
Benedict Cumberbatch
Celebrity Genealogies
Different Types Of Genealogy Records Explored
Jane Austen: 200th Anniversary
Life In The Past
Tom Hiddleston
Here is some great news - the wonderful Discover Your Ancestors Bookazine Issue 6 is now available from
S&N Genealogy Supplies

This 196 page bookazine contains new in-depth articles, research advice, social history, 'how to' features, case studies, places in focus, and much more! It is ideal for both experienced researchers and those just starting out.
- Fascinating features about life in the past
- Different types of records explored
- Jane Austen: 200th Anniversary
- Milestones of past lives: Follow key moments in your ancestors' journeys from birth to death
- Celebrity genealogies: Tom Hiddleston & Benedict Cumberbatch
- and much more!
Also included is a FREE Cover DVD with over £170 worth of resources! Including:
- 1 Month Diamond Subscription to TheGenealogist
- 3 Month Subscription to Discover Your Ancestors Online Periodical
- Visitation of England and Wales
- Peerage of Scotland & Ireland
- Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica
- TreeView 2 Lite family tree software
- RootsMagic Essentials family tree software
- No. of Pages: 196
To get your hands on it now go to:
December 2016 Discover Your Ancestors
The fantastic online periodical that is a must read for anyone researching their family history is out now. In this month's edition:
The tale of the mail: Harry Cunningham investigates how Britain’s Post Office has been operating for over 500 years
First-class appearance: Jayne Shrimpton investigates the uniforms our postal worker ancestors might have worn
‘For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil’: Nick Thorne investigates the story of the Reverend Vyvyan Moyle and his temptations of the monetary kind
Learning to walk: Sharon Brookshaw looks at how our forebears took their first steps, epitomising changing attitudes to childcare down the centuries
Great Uncle Mozart: David Lewiston Sharpe looks at the lineages of learning that connect generations of students and teachers
History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on waistcoats
Regulars: Region: Portsmouth / News & Events / Books / Classifieds

Read more at:
The November edition of the acclaimed digital family history magazine Discover Your Ancestors is out and packed with interesting articles. Have you got your copy?
- The People’s Palace: Eighty years ago this month the Crystal Palace burnt down. Sue Wilkes tells its story
- Banking on fraud: Nick Thorne discovers that a Royal Charter and having MPs for directors failed to stop a Victorian bank embezzling its customers’ money
- ‘Off by heart’: Ruth A Symes looks at the role of poems in the family
- Who teaches the teachers? Richard Willis explores the history of the Chartered College of Teaching
- The escapologists: Nick Thorne follows the ‘Thrill Slayer’ and the ‘Artful Dodger’ in newly released US records
- History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on blouses
- Regulars: Region: Cardiganshire / News & Events / Books / Classifieds

Head over to Discover Your Ancestors website

Great news! The May issue of Discover Your Ancestors Periodical is available now.
This month
Ruth Symes threads her way through the history of needlework occupations, Harry Cunningham investigates the changing roles of hairdressers and barbers, while Jill Morris takes a bird's eye view of early aviation,
Nick Thorne uses colour tithe maps, now available online, to look into the past of a colourful family that includes an Earl that was once a long distance truck driver, and much more.
Visit their website to buy your copy today: