The latest edition of Discover Your Ancestors, the quality super-packed family history magazine has just been published!
Discover Your Ancestors Magazine Issue 11 has 152 pages packed with new in-depth articles, research advice, social and general history, ‘how to’ features, case studies, places in focus, and much more!
This issue features:
Celebrity genealogies: David Attenborough, Kristen Scott-Thomas and Ridley Scott
Excellent articles for family and social historians to read in the Discover Your Ancestors, August 2022 issue (see
– 'Stop me and buy one': Our love of ice-cool treats and desserts follows a tradition that spans continents and dates back millennia, as Jayne Shrimpton reveals
– Mistress of spin: Caroline Roope tells the remarkable story of pioneering cyclist – and self-promoter – Annie Londonderry
– Family maintenance: All over Britain, the Edwardian courts were busy trying to ensure that people faced up to their financial responsibilities, writes Nell Darby
– The last of the 39ers: Nick Thorne explores the story of the oldest surviving and longest serving British POW of WW2, Alfie Fripp
– Two centuries of history: Stephen Roberts discovers that Christchurch’s ‘Barrack Road’ is so named for a good reason
– History in the details: Materials – silk (part 3) by Jayne Shrimpton
Sign up today for only £24.99 and receive the following:
12 monthly issues of the Periodical
Access to 500,000,000 birth, marriage and death records
Free data: Titanic passenger list
Free ebook: Scotland; The Official Guide to Edinburgh Circa 1930
• Our centenarian ancestors: A perhaps surprising number of our 19th century ancestors reached their 90s or even their centuries – and press interest in their age can really help the family historian, as Nell Darby explains
• The marvels of Metro-land: Caroline Roope discovers the London commuter suburbs promoted by the expanding Metropolitan Railway in the early 20th century
• A welfare pioneer: Sadie McMullon tells the story of Agnes Marshall Loomes, a pivotal figure for infant welfare
• Addressing Sir Alexander: Nick Thorne addresses where Sir Alexander Fleming lived – the man who discovered penicillin by chance in Paddington
• History in the details: Materials – cotton (part 3)
Sign up today for only £24.99 and receive the following:
– 12 monthly issues of the Periodical
– Access to 500,000,000 birth, marriage and death records
The 196 page bookazine contains new in-depth articles, research advice, social and general history, 'how to' features, case studies, places in focus, and much more! It is ideal for both experienced researchers and those just starting out.
Richard Trevithick: Father of the Railway, 250th Anniversary
Georgian Fight Club
Death and the Victorians
Roald Dahl's WW2 Desert Crash
Celebrity genealogies: James Corden, Michael Sheen and Captain Sir Tom Moore
How to research the RAF and Royal Marines
Rural roots
Scots paupers
Friendly societies
and much more!
Also included are over £80 of FREE resources! Including a free three months First Steps Plus subscription with TheGenealogist, a free three month subscription to the monthly online magazine Discover Your Ancestors Periodical, and lots of other resources!
Only £7.99 with FREE UK post and packing from here:
The 196 page bookazine contains new in-depth articles, research advice, social and general history, 'how to' features, case studies, places in focus, and much more! It is ideal for both experienced researchers and those just starting out.
Fascinating features about life in the past
Different types of records explored
Explore Edward's Era - meet the Edwardians at home and at play
How to research: Methodists & Dissenters, Scots criminals and family myths
George Eliot: 200th Anniversary
Celebrity genealogies: Emily Blunt and Michael Caine
Over £170 of FREE resources! Including a 6 Month Gold Subscription to leading website TheGenealogist (worth £44.95!) and a 12 Month Subscription to the monthly online magazine, Discover Your Ancestors Periodical.
If you are confident with your geography and particularly places from yesteryear, you may want to take part in the weekly competition on TheGenealogist Facebook page.
There's 100 'Discover Your Ancestors' periodical subscriptions (12 issues) up for grabs, the new highly rated online magazine for family historians.
If you'd like to find out more and enter go to
Win a Discover Your Ancestors periodical subscription
Family History Social has received news of a new online genealogy magazine now available in the UK. The magazine is 'Discover Your Ancestors', the quality genealogy publication previously only available in print as an annual magazine.
Now this valuable content can be enjoyed all year round by family historians.
'Discover Your Ancestors Periodical', online magazine now available
You can subscribe to the online magazine which will be monthly. It's well worth taking a look.
If you are interested in subscribing to 'Discover Your Ancestors Periodical', you will find details here
According to the Editor, Andrew Chapman, if you subscribe today you will also receive, for free, access to more than half a billion index records, the complete Titanic Passenger lists and a PDF copy of The History of Signboards. This is a fascinating account during times of limited education when signs were used instead of wording for identification. This book explores the meaning of these signs.
Each month new free data sets will be made available to subscribers of Discover Your Ancestors Periodical to help move your research on at pace.
The new monthly online magazine represents great value for money at just £1 a month for over 20 beautifully designed pages of high-quality research advice, social history, places in focus, book reviews and much more.