Interesting article in the August Discover Your Ancestors Magazine
Excellent articles for family and social historians to read in the Discover Your Ancestors, August 2022 issue (see
– 'Stop me and buy one': Our love of ice-cool treats and desserts follows a tradition that spans continents and dates back millennia, as Jayne Shrimpton reveals
– Mistress of spin: Caroline Roope tells the remarkable story of pioneering cyclist – and self-promoter – Annie Londonderry
– Family maintenance: All over Britain, the Edwardian courts were busy trying to ensure that people faced up to their financial responsibilities, writes Nell Darby
– The last of the 39ers: Nick Thorne explores the story of the oldest surviving and longest serving British POW of WW2, Alfie Fripp
– Two centuries of history: Stephen Roberts discovers that Christchurch’s ‘Barrack Road’ is so named for a good reason
– History in the details: Materials – silk (part 3) by Jayne Shrimpton
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