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TheGenealogist releases Richmond 1910 Property Records

TheGenealogist releases 1910 Property Records for Barnes, Hampton, Richmond upon Thames, Teddington and Twickenham.

Discover the homes of England’s most infamous monarch, English Rugby and the modern home of England's Archives in the latest release from TheGenealogist.


49,552 owner and occupier records have been added to TheGenealogist’s unique Lloyd George Domesday Survey record set this week with the release of the 1910 Land Survey records for the areas of Barnes, Hampton, Richmond upon Thames, Teddington and Twickenham.


Lloyd George Domesday Survey on TheGenealogist of land in Richmond before The National Archives was built


Family history researchers can combine these with other records such as the 1911 Census, and Trade, Residential and Telephone directories to discover more about where their ancestors lived C1910. The IR58 Valuation Office survey records give researchers additional information about their ancestors' home, land, outbuildings and property. 


These occupier and ownership records can be searched for using the Master Search at TheGenealogist or by clicking on the pins displayed on TheGenealogist’s powerful Map Explorer™. This means that the family historian can see how the landscape where their ancestors lived or worked changed over time.


Only available online from TheGenealogist, these records enable the researcher to thoroughly investigate a place in which an ancestor lived even if the streets have undergone massive change in the intervening years. In TheGenealogist’s featured article on this week’s UK episode of Who Do You Think You Are? they were able to locate the exact property referred to on the census used in the TV programme researching Alex Scott’s family.




Example of exclusive Lloyd George Domesday Survey locates 189 St George’s Street address of Alex Scott’s ancestor in census used in Who Do You Think You Are? episode

Read TheGenealogist’s article: The Market Garden below high water that became the site of The National Archives and the tumble down swanky office


About TheGenealogist

TheGenealogist is an award-winning online family history website, who put a wealth of information at the fingertips of family historians. Their approach is to bring hard to use physical records to life online with easy to use interfaces such as their Tithe and newly released Lloyd George Domesday collections. 

TheGenealogist’s innovative SmartSearch technology links records together to help you find your ancestors more easily. TheGenealogist is one of the leading providers of online family history records. Along with the standard Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records, they also have significant collections of Parish and Nonconformist records, PCC Will Records, Irish Records, Military records, Occupations, Newspaper record collections amongst many others.

TheGenealogist uses the latest technology to help you bring your family history to life. Use TheGenealogist to find your ancestors today!


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Missed Dame Judi Dench's family history on Who Do You Think You Are?

If you missed the really thrilling ride on the recent BBC One airing of the second programme in the UK series of Who Do You Think You Are? there is a precis of what you missed here:


The programme is available to watch for a short time in the UK on the BBC iPlayer: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0010st7/who-do-you-think-you-are-series-18-2-dame-judi-dench


Named Britain's best actor on multiple occasions. Her roles range from James Bond films to Shakespearean dramas and in the episode of Who Do You Think You Are? (that was broadcasted on BBC One on Tuesday 19 October 2021) Dame Judi told us how her parents were both incredibly full of life with lots of visits to theatre as a child. She discovers in the programme that her Irish ancestors link back to Denmark and an important family. Dame Judi, as a Shakespeare lover is thrilled to find a connection to the castle which The Bard used in Hamlet.


Warning! Article contains spoilers for the programme broadcasted in the UK on Tuesday 19th October 2021.


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TheGenealogist launches Irish records containing nearly a million individuals


TheGenealogist has just released records of baptisms, marriages and burials from Wexford Catholic Parish Records and new Dublin Will and Grant Books to provide a valuable resource for those researching Irish ancestry.


The Dublin wills are from the Deputy Keeper Of Ireland, Index To The Act or Grant Books, and To Original Wills, of The Diocese Of Dublin 1272 -1858 (26th, 30th, and 31st Report) and cover an area that is bigger than the current County of Dublin as the diocese included a sizeable part of County Wicklow, some substantial parts of southern and eastern County Kildare, as well as smaller portions of Counties Carlow, Laois (Queen’s County) and Wexford.



The Wexford Parish records, which are being released at the same time, have been newly transcribed by TheGenealogist and also benefit from their SmartSearch that enables subscribers to look for the parent’s potential marriage records from baptism records and also potential siblings. Each result also has a link to view the registers on the National Library of Ireland’s website should the researcher wish to see an image of the actual page of the Catholic parish register.


This new release, now available to all Gold and Diamond subscribers of TheGenealogist will be a useful resource for those researchers who wish to find out more about their Irish ancestors.


Read TheGenealogist’s article: George Harrison’s Wexford ancestors found in the Irish Parish Records https://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/featuredarticles/2021/george-harrisons-wexford-ancestors-found-in-the-irish-parish-records-1473/ 

About TheGenealogist

TheGenealogist is an award-winning online family history website, who put a wealth of information at the fingertips of family historians. Their approach is to bring hard to use physical records to life online with easy to use interfaces such as their Tithe and newly released Lloyd George Domesday collections. 

TheGenealogist’s innovative SmartSearch technology links records together to help you find your ancestors more easily. TheGenealogist is one of the leading providers of online family history records. Along with the standard Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records, they also have significant collections of Parish and Nonconformist records, PCC Will Records, Irish Records, Military records, Occupations, Newspaper record collections amongst many others.

TheGenealogist uses the latest technology to help you bring your family history to life. Use TheGenealogist to find your ancestors today!


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RootsMagic 8 UK Edition now available


RootsMagic UK have sent out an announcement today that many family historians will be very pleased to hear! RootsMagic 8 UK edition is now available. See below for the Press Release:


Press Release from RootsMagic.co.uk
Announcing RootsMagic 8 UK Edition

We are excited to announce the release of RootsMagic 8 UK Edition, the latest version of the award-winning genealogy software which makes researching, organising, and sharing your family history easy and enjoyable.

RootsMagic 8 boasts an impressive list of new features including an all-new interface, native Windows and Mac support and a completely rewritten report engine.

The UK version includes UK date formats (with support for BMD Quarter dates), UK source templates, 3 months online access to Census and BMDs for England and Wales, as well as boasting a 16-page Quick Start Guide and support from our dedicated team in Wiltshire.

All UK packages are available as a download so you can start using the program straight away without waiting for the post! For those who want a physical copy, we offer the Platinum and Standard editions on a USB memory stick for just £5 more + P&P, this also comes with a printed copy of the Quick Start Guide.



UK Platinum Edition

RootsMagic UK Platinum Edition has everything you need to organise your family history research.


    Full RootsMagic 8 UK Program

    Printed Quick Start Guide (or Digital if download)

    3 Months online access to:

     1841-1911 Census for England and Wales with images

     1837-2005 Birth Marriage and Death Records for England and Wales

     Parish and Non-Conformist Records

     Military Records, Wills and more!

    Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain & Ireland 1893

    Visitation of England & Wales 1893-1921

    History of the Commoners of Great Britain & Ireland 1835

    Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography