Family Historian Version 7
Just in time for the Christmas presents market there has come a welcome announcement about some family history software. The highly anticipated new version of the deluxe genealogy application written by a leading UK software designer for the UK market is now out!
Family Historian version 7 is said to be a new concept in genealogy programs that allows you to enter your family by drawing a tree. Full support is given for sources, notes, facts and linked multimedia elements. For researchers it provides support for Queries and Reports.

This powerful, award-winning genealogy program has a range of new and improved features designed to meet the needs of the beginner and expert alike.
We have found it offered online in a tantalising package from S&N Genealogy Supplies who have put together everything that you need to Research, Record and Report your Family History!
Their offer is just £69.95 (Saving you 46%) and this includes:
- The newly released Family Historian V7
- Quick Start Guide
- 3 Months Gold Subscription to TheGenealogist, giving you access to Census, BMDs, Parish Records and more
- A Regional Research Guidebook

To take advantage of this special offer now: Buy Family Historian 7 from S&N Genealogy Supplies today!
What's New in this version of the software?
Version 7 brings a wealth of new features and improvements, including:
Integrated Word Processing - including font and text styles, tables, embedded source citations, record links, website links, and hash tags.
New Note Window - a new floating window designed for viewing and editing notes and supporting all the new word processing features
New and Improved Diagrams - a new Everyone diagram; new All Relatives + Indirect Relatives diagram showing everyone that a person or couple are related to; new Pedigree diagram; new Waterfall diagram; and four new DNA diagrams
New Reports - Calendar, File statistics, Individual Scrapbook, Individual Timeline, Note Records, Place Report, Research Notes, Sources and Citations, Tagged Notes
Improved Report Window
Improved Website and Family Tree CD/DVD Generation
Historical Maps
Fact Flags - facts can now be marked as Private, Preferred, Tentative and/or Rejected
Research Notes
Source Templates
Source-driven Data Entry
Source Transcription Tools
New Citation Window
and much more!
Find out more here: