The Discover Your Ancestors monthly periodical has just been released for February 2021 and it has some really fascinating articles this month. From Buffalo Bill's visit to England to some interesting crime stories from the past and more inbetween! Here is what to expect inside the pages of this online magazine:
• Victoria’s transatlantic treat: Caroline Roope tells the story of when Buffalo Bill amused the queen
• Kindness everywhere: Keith Gregson discovers that concern for birds is not something new, as he tells the story of the hugely successful Dicky Bird Society
• PM, pig breeder and police pioneer: Nick Thorne traces residential records for the two times prime minister of the United Kingdom. Sir Robert Peel
• The strange case of Lucy Strange: In the midst of WW1, one woman lost both her life and her public reputation: so why didn’t Lucy Mary Strange’s family get justice? By Nell Darby
• The untold story of ‘Doctor Dick’: Will Hazell investigates the chequered career of a man who scandalised Cornwall in the late 19th century
• History in the details: Materials – wool (part 1)
The fantastic online periodical that is a must read for anyone researching their family history is out now. In this month's edition:
The tale of the mail: Harry Cunningham investigates how Britain’s Post Office has been operating for over 500 years
First-class appearance: Jayne Shrimpton investigates the uniforms our postal worker ancestors might have worn
‘For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil’: Nick Thorne investigates the story of the Reverend Vyvyan Moyle and his temptations of the monetary kind
Learning to walk: Sharon Brookshaw looks at how our forebears took their first steps, epitomising changing attitudes to childcare down the centuries
Great Uncle Mozart: David Lewiston Sharpe looks at the lineages of learning that connect generations of students and teachers
History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on waistcoats
Regulars: Region: Portsmouth / News & Events / Books / Classifieds
If you like to keep up with the latest news and developments in the world of family history, then the new online periodical 'Discover Your Ancestors' could be just what you're looking for. Also packed with various interesting articles on all aspects of family history research, it's a must read for all genealogists.
And if you'd like to win a free sub...
The latest competition run by TheGenealogist is currently available to enter on Facebook. It’s a ‘name the place’ competition and there’s a 100 free 12 issue subscriptions to ‘Discover Your Ancestors’, the online family history periodical up for grabs.
If you’d like to enter the competition, go to
New facebook competition to win online periodical 'Discover Your Ancestors'
Since the magazine name change earlier this year from 'Your Family History' to 'Discover Your History', we've now read a few issues from the new editorial team. There was a note of surprise in the genealogy world when the magazine changed its format and style but the new version is both a good read and educational in its choice of topics.
With an emphasis on social history, the magazine appears to complement the other magazines on the market and offer something slightly different. With in-depth articles on how life used to be, it's a good entertaining read.
If you haven't seen it yet, there's more information on their website.
If you have seen a recent issue, we'd love to know your thoughts!