The current series of 'Who Do You Think You Are?' on BBC1 has been a fascinating one so far. For those family historians interested in their sport, tonight's celebrity is former England footballer and now popular TV presenter, Gary Lineker. A Leicester boy, born and bred, the majority of his roots are from that area. Gary knows very little about his family history apparently, so it's a major voyage of discovery for him.
The previews to the programme feature on two of Gary's distant ancestors who had very different lives. Both came from poor backgrounds but a lucky break happened to one to get him into a respectable profession but definitely didn't happen to the other ancestor!
It promises to be another great programme looking at the family of one of England's most famous recent iconic heroes. Will you be watching? has looked into Gary's family history. If you'd like to know more in advance of the programme visit
Gary Lineker featuring on tonight's Who Do You Think You Are?