For those of us that have managed to get back to the Georgian era of British history the Society of Genealogist is offering a full day course on the 13th June 2015. This period is normally defined as spanning the reigns of, the first four Hanoverian kings of Great Britain who were all named 'George': George I, George II, George III and George IV (covering the dates from 1714-1830). If you book yourself on the course you will learn more about the sources for family history research within this era.
Checking out the SoG websites gives the following details of the Full Programme:
10:30 - Genealogical Sources of the Georgian Era (Else Churchill)
11:45 – tea break
12:00 – Georgian Era Nonconformist records for Family History (Les Mitchison)
13:00 – Lunch Break
13:45 – Georgian Era Military Records for Family History (esp Royal Navy) – (Les Mitchison)
15:00 – Tea break
15:15 – The Life and Times of An Army Wife in the Peninsular War (Rebecca Probert)
16:30/17:00 - Q&A/Finish
This full-day course is on Saturday, 13 June, cost £35.00/£28.00 for SoG members. Places should be pre-booked, either through the SoG website or by telephone: 020 7553 3290.