The latest programme in the Who Do You Think You Are? series continued last night with acclaimed Lincolnshire actress Sheridan Smith and her family history story.
The programme continued the style of many previous shows this series by mainly concentrating on just one ancestor. Benjamin Doubleday, Sheridan's great great grandfather, was discovered to be a popular and respected banjo player who worked hard to make a name for himself in show business in the Sheffield area. However, in a competitive industry he over-committed himself and ended up bankrupt, losing his family and trying to allegedly commit insurance fraud. The story had many interesting twists and turns and Benjamin manages to reconcile with two of his daughters (also musicians) and returns to show business in the years before his death.
TheGenealogist has looked into Sheridan's family history and discovered some other unique records, including details of his bankruptcy in the 1890s. If you'd like to know more, TheGenealogist has uncovered more which can be found here in their featured article.
What did you think of last night's episode?
Sheridan Smith and her musically talented family history