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The very latest news from the world of genealogy



TheGenealogist updates the 1939 Register with over 389,600 new records

The latest 1939 Register update has now been released by TheGenealogist.

More than 389,600 new individuals have been added after being opened in accordance with the 100-year rule and open requests submitted by the public. This now means we can search for even more of our ancestors from this period and see where they lived using the powerful mapping tools that TheGenealogist has a reputation for providing. 


As these records are linked to pins on TheGenealogist’s Map Explorer™, a tool that allows you to view both historical and modern maps, family historians are able to explore the neighbourhood where their forebears lived as WW2 broke out.


Actor and director Richard Attenborough’s record in the 1939 Register is included in the release. His family home, College House, Leicester, is shown as a linked pin on TheGenealogist’s Map Explorer™


Map Explorer™ will often be able to show the location of properties from 1939 down to the actual building in many cases and at least to the thoroughfare or parish. This makes it a great tool for the family historian to use to find where their forebears lived at this time.


House historians will also be excited to discover that TheGenealogist’s version of the 1939 Register can also be searched from a plot on a map to find who lived there in 1939. This turns the search on its head - as well as being able to look for where a person lived, you can also search for who lived at a property. You can even use Map Explorer to browse the map from house to house to see who lived there, a feature that can only be found on TheGenealogist.


With more precise mapping features, there are some very compelling reasons to search the 1939 Register on TheGenealogist. 

  • Unique and powerful search tools and SmartSearch technology offer a uniquely flexible way to look for your ancestors

  • Use Map Explorer to explore an area in 1939 and see how it changed over time

  • Break down your brick walls when searching using keywords, such as the individual’s occupation or date of birth

  • Search for an address and then jump straight to the household, or if you are struggling to find a family, you can even search using as many of their forenames as you know

  • SmartSearch technology enables you to discover even more about a person by linking to their Birth, Marriage and Death Records



12 Month Diamond Package Only £109.95

To celebrate this latest release, TheGenealogist is offering readers of this blog a 12 Month Diamond package for just £109.95, a Saving of Over £64!

This offer comes with a Lifetime Discount, meaning you’ll pay the same discounted price every time your subscription renews.

To find out more and claim the offer, visit: https://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/MGBREG124

This offer expires at the end of 12th April 2024.




See TheGenealogist’s article: Updated 1939 Register reveals schoolboy Richard ‘Dickie’ Attenborough on a University Campus in Leicester. https://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/featuredarticles/2024/1939-register-reveals-schoolboy-dickie-attenborough-on-a-university-campus-in-leicester-6924/ 

About TheGenealogist

TheGenealogist is an award-winning online family history website, who put a wealth of information at the fingertips of family historians. Their approach is to bring hard to use physical records to life online with easy to use interfaces such as their Tithe and newly released Lloyd George Domesday collections. 

TheGenealogist’s innovative SmartSearch technology links records together to help you find your ancestors more easily. TheGenealogist is one of the leading providers of online family history records. Along with the standard Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records, they also have significant collections of Parish and Nonconformist records, PCC Will Records, Irish Records, Military records, Occupations, Newspaper record collections amongst many others.


TheGenealogist uses the latest technology to help you bring your family history to life. Use TheGenealogist to find your ancestors today!


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Go behind the scenes at The National Archives


Behind the Scenes Tours of The National Archives

  • Thursday 25 January 2024, 15:30
  • Thursday 15 February 2024, 15:30
  • Thursday 21 March 2024, 15:30

The National Archives are opening the doors of their repositories to offer you the chance to go behind the scenes.

Discover how they keep and maintain the record for future generations and explore some of the hidden gems in their collections.


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1910s Northamptonshire Property Records and Maps Launched Online


Over 170,000 searchable property records have been released


TheGenealogist has just added to its ever-growing Landowner and Occupier records with the release of more than 170,000 individual heads of households and property owners in Northamptonshire.


Covering 345 parishes that were surveyed in the years between 1910-1915 for the Inland Revenue Valuation Office, these records are a fantastic tool for family, house or social historians to use.


The project has seen years of collaboration between The National Archives and TheGenealogist in conserving and digitising these records. Comprising the IR 58 Field Books and accompanying IR 121 to IR 135 Ordnance Survey maps, they join the millions of records in TheGenealogist’s powerful research tool, Map Explorer™.


TheGenealogist now has over 2.4 Million records from The Lloyd George Domesday Survey. The coverage is rapidly expanding and currently includes all the boroughs of Greater London plus Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire, and Middlesex, as well as the newly added parishes from Northamptonshire*.


[IR126 OS map of Northampton as used for the Lloyd George Domesday Survey, transitioning to a modern-day satellite image in Map Explorer™]


      Uncover individual properties with precision on the highly detailed 1910-1915 maps of the Lloyd George Domesday Survey, zoomable to the exact plot or building

      Discover information about ancestral homes from surveyors' field books, often unveiling details like the size and number of rooms

      Explore the surroundings of your ancestors by examining maps that reveal features of the neighbourhood they lived in

      Utilise TheGenealogist's Master Search or click on pins in the powerful Map Explorer™ for a seamless search experience

      Map Explorer™ allows you to see the transformation of areas over time by overlaying historic maps onto modern street maps, providing a unique perspective on changes

      Stay tuned as the project expands, covering the entirety of England & Wales


Visit thegenealogist.co.uk/1910Survey for more information.


Read TheGenealogist’s article in which these records were used to find the property of a notable Northamptonian



Save Over 55%


To celebrate this latest release of the Lloyd George Domesday Records, TheGenealogist is offering readers of Newsletters, blogs, etc. a superb Christmas Offer! You can claim their £222 Diamond package for just £98.95, a Saving of Over 55%


This offer comes with a Lifetime Discount, meaning you’ll pay the same discounted price every time your subscription renews.


To find out more and claim the offer, visit: https://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/MGBLGD1223





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Online Workshop - The Maternal Line


The Society of Genealogist is holding an online workshop called:

The Maternal Line with Janet Few.

An opportunity to look at your maternal line in a new way, with suggestions for discovering and considering the females in your family tree. The workshop will encourage you to recall and record information about your direct female line (your mother, her mother and so on) and set the lives of these female ancestors in the context of the social history of their time.


Wednesday, 6 December 2023 19:30-21:00

For more information go to: https://members.sog.org.uk/events

About the speaker: Dr. Janet Few is an experienced family, social and community historian who has presented throughout the UK, overseas and at sea. She has written several books of interest to genealogists and contributes to local and family history journals. She also writes historical fiction. Working as an historical interpreter, Janet spends time living in the seventeenth century as her alter ego, Mistress Agnes. You can read her very interesting blog, ‘the history interpreter’ online. Janet manages Swords and Spindles, a company providing living history presentations. Janet is currently serving as the President of the Family History Federation. She is heavily involved in the work of family history societies and was awarded the Society of Genealogists' Certificate of Recognition in 2020 for her work. 

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Remembering the fallen with more than 1.6 million newly released records


Ahead of Remembrance Sunday, when we remember the two world wars and later conflicts, TheGenealogist is marking Armistice Day by adding to its collection of Military records.


This release of over 40,000 Rolls of Honour, over 65,000 Medal awards and over 1.5 Million War Memorial Records significantly adds to the suite of fully searchable Military records on this family history website.


The new War Memorials can be searched from the TheGenealogist’s Master Search or by locating the memorial on the georeferenced maps displayed on their Map Explorer™, which also lets you search the area around where your ancestor lived.


[Attack on a Merchantman by Enemy Submarines]


For those with ancestors who were mariners and served in the Merchant Navy or Fishing Fleets, the Rolls of Honour and Medal Awards from The National Archives Series BT 339 will be especially poignant. 


The Rolls of Honour name the deceased and missing-presumed-dead from the ranks of the merchant marine fleets and fishing trawler crews who were employed on minesweeping and patrol duties during World War II (1939-1945) and further years up to 1953.


The list of Medal Awards from 1866 to 1970 includes Mercantile Mariners recognised for gallantry and service. Among these honours is the Albert Medal, initially awarded for saving lives at sea.


Additionally, the Mercantile Marine Officers Nominal List 1916-1920 records recipients of the Order of the British Empire, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Order and Distinguished Service Medal, along with issues of the London Gazette listing many other medals (such as the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal and Commendations) citing the deeds of gallantry these Mercantile Marines performed. The images of these records include the details of these deeds, some of which reveal intriguing stories of shipwrecks, shark attacks and gallant heroes.


Read TheGenealogist’s feature article: Rolls of Honour for Unsung Heroes of the Rolling Sea




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Society of Genealogists announce opening of new headquarters

The Society of Genealogist has announced to its members the opening dates of its new home at Wharf Road in London. 


The SoG has said that from Wednesday 13th to Friday 22nd December 2023, they’ll be hosting an exclusive Member-Only opening. SoG Members should keep an eye out for their invitation which will be sent by email. 


If you aren’t a Member yet, you can visit the new HQ from Wednesday 3rd January 2024 when the SoG will be open to all.

Their announcement says: "Created by genealogists, for genealogists, we are the perfect place to come whether you are new to researching your family history or a seasoned expert."

No 40 Wharf Road is easily accessible from a variety of tube stations and bus routes being in the heart of the historic canal landscape of North London. You will be able to visit the Society of Genealogists to enjoy their new Research Hub, encompassing their archive, library, and computers with access to a wide range of genealogical sites. An established FamilySearch Affiliate Library, the SoG Research Hub offers a fantastic friendly space for exploring your family history in the company of fellow genealogists and our expert staff. 

Looking forward to visiting!

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National Tithe Record Collection for England & Wales now complete on Map Explorer™

Pinpoint your English and Welsh Ancestors on the map

TheGenealogist has announced the completion of its project to link all the National Tithe Record Collection for England & Wales with its powerful Map Explorer™.


Family historians are now able to view their ancestors’ land and homes plotted on historic Tithe maps that have been georeferenced, allowing you to see the location on today's Modern Street and Satellite maps to see how the area has developed over time. 



Tithe record books and maps cover the majority of England and Wales and were created by the 1836 Tithe Commutation Act. This required tithes in kind to be converted to monetary payments, known as tithe rentcharges. The Tithe Survey was established to find out which areas were subject to tithes, who owned them, who occupied the various parcels of land, the usage of the land, how much was payable and to whom. These maps and apportionment books were the product of that survey and have been digitised by TheGenealogist.


Tithes usefully record all levels of society, from wealthy landowners to tenant farmers and cover the majority of England and Wales. They are a valuable resource for family and house historians as they can provide insights into land and property ownership, occupancy and usage, dating back before the first searchable census. 


TheGenealogist has painstakingly georeferenced their tithe maps, which means you can view them layered on top of modern day maps and satellite images, using their intuitive Map Explorer™. This allows you to pinpoint a record to the exact same location on various historical and modern maps, even when the landscape has completely changed over the years.

“This final release of the Welsh tithes marks the completion of our project.These records, in combination with Map Explorer, make it easier than ever to learn about our ancestors’ lives and the places they lived and worked.” Mark Bayley, Head of Online Content at TheGenealogist.

This week’s release adds to the many types of records that can be viewed in Map Explorer™. This includes the Lloyd George Domesday land tax records, the UK census 1871-1911, the 1939 Register, the Headstone Collection, War Memorials and the Image Archive.

To learn more about TheGenealogist’s powerful Map Explorer™, please visit https://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/maps/

Feature Article Case Study


Read our feature article where we use the records on Map Explorer™ to take a look at Thomas Rees, an agricultural labourer, leader of the first Rebecca Riots and, under a unique Welsh tradition, a freeholder of a cottage that he built in one night!


About TheGenealogist

TheGenealogist is an award-winning online family history website, which puts a wealth of information at the fingertips of family historians. Their approach is to bring hard to use physical records to life online with easy to use interfaces such as their Tithe and newly released Lloyd George Domesday collections. 

TheGenealogist’s innovative SmartSearch technology links records together to help you find your ancestors more easily. TheGenealogist is one of the leading providers of online family history records. Along with the standard Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records, they also have significant collections of Parish and Nonconformist records, PCC Will Records, Irish Records, Military records, Occupations and Newspaper record collections amongst many others.

TheGenealogist uses the latest technology to help you bring your family history to life. Use TheGenealogist to find your ancestors today!

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The National Archives' events for Black History Month

The National Archives is promoting Black History Month on its website: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/black-history/

TNA's collections span 1,000 years of difference, debate and progress as they say:

"Created from the perspective of state and empire, we hold important records that bear witness to past injustice, and the long and continued fight for racial equality."

The National Archives are playing their part in finding greater ways to make their significant records more accessible.

Help with your research using The National Archives

The National Archives research guide on black British social and political history in the 20th century is a useful place to start.

You can find further guidance in other research guides, such as social and cultural, political and economic, foreign and colonial, and family history.


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Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Historic Records and Maps Now Complete!

Over 1,100 square miles of searchable property records from the 1910s released


TheGenealogist has now completed the 1910s land tax records for Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. These Lloyd George Domesday Survey records are a fully searchable resource that family and house historians will find invaluable in their research. Using the field books and maps enables you to discover more about the type of property that your ancestors had once occupied and to see the actual location on a range of contemporary and modern maps.


[Bedford High Street]


Using the power of TheGenealogist’s Map Explorer™ family and house historians can now see the same georeferenced plot on a modern map and investigate how the area may have changed over the last hundred years or more, as well as click through to read the surveyor’s field book entries.


  • Find individual properties on extremely detailed 1910-1915 maps, zoomable to the exact plot
  • Discover fascinating details about the house; surveyor’s Field Books often revealing the size and number of its rooms
  • See the features of the neighbourhood in which an ancestor lived on the historic maps
  • Search using the Master Search or by clicking on the pins displayed on TheGenealogist’s powerful Map Explorer™ 
  • View how an area changed over time as historic maps are layered over modern street maps 
  • This ongoing project is set to cover the rest of England & Wales
  • Available exclusively on TheGenealogist


The Lloyd George Domesday Survey records released this week means that TheGenealogist, with over 2 Million land tax records searchable online, now covers all the boroughs of Greater London plus  Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire and Middlesex.


Find out more about this record set: thegenealogist.co.uk/1910Survey


You can read TheGenealogist’s latest feature article:Bernard Shaw’s house and an explorer’s family pile in Hertfordshire '' to find out more about this release.


About TheGenealogist

TheGenealogist is an award-winning online family history website, which puts a wealth of information at the fingertips of family historians. Their approach is to bring hard to use physical records to life online with easy to use interfaces such as their Tithe and newly released Lloyd George Domesday collections. 

TheGenealogist’s innovative SmartSearch technology links records together to help you find your ancestors more easily. TheGenealogist is one of the leading providers of online family history records. Along with the standard Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records, they also have significant collections of Parish and Nonconformist records, PCC Will Records, Irish Records, Military records, Occupations and Newspaper record collections amongst many others.

TheGenealogist uses the latest technology to help you bring your family history to life. Use TheGenealogist to find your ancestors today!

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The Family History Show is now coming to the Midlands!

Four Events for Your 2024 Diary:
Online - 10 February    |    Midlands - 16 March    |    York - 22 June    |    London - 5 October

The Family History Show events in England and Online were a huge success this year with bigger crowds and lots of compliments from happy attendees. 


“What an amazing day, not just for me but also all the hundreds of visitors who enjoyed and learnt so much from a series of talks all day and the great variety of helpful stalls. Many thanks to the organisers, the stallholders and of course all you lovely visitors - thank you for buying a few maps too!!”  – Joss from This Way Books


We are therefore delighted to announce that in 2024 we will be adding a new event in the Midlands alongside our ever popular York, London and Online shows.


The Family History Show, Midlands will be debuting at the Severn Hall, Three Counties Showground, Worcestershire on Saturday 16th March 2024. We look forward to welcoming everyone to this fantastic centrally placed exhibition hall with plenty of free parking.



“We’ve been very busy, we’ve had lots of questions to answer and sold lots of our publications – so a very good day!” – West Surrey Family History Society

Dates for your 2024 diary!

Come and be part of a fantastic day dedicated to exploring your genealogy. We look forward to seeing you at our 2024 shows:


  • Online – Saturday 10th February 2024
  • Midlands – Saturday 16th March 2024 at Three Counties Showground
  • York – Saturday 22nd June 2024 at York Racecourse
  • London – Saturday 5th October 2024 at Kempton Park Racecourse

Be inspired by our captivating free talks, interact with experts who can help you find answers to your questions, and explore a diverse range of exhibitors, family history societies and genealogy companies from all over the country in the exhibition hall. 


These events are an absolute must for all family history enthusiasts. Come along and discover fascinating insights into your heritage or your past family. Join us and experience a great day out with lots of friendly exhibitors, complimentary talks, convenient parking at our physical shows, regular trains to York, Kempton and Great Malvern, and refreshments available all day at York, London and the Midlands show. Even if you can’t make it to our physical shows then our Online event is a must. Secure your tickets now to take advantage of our amazing advanced offers!



Make a Day of it

Book an expert session and watch a talk in the morning, then have lunch in our restaurant before finishing the day with a bit of retail therapy, chat with societies and catch another talk before you go.

The Family History Show – features:

  • Free Talks held throughout the day
  • Ask the Experts - Book a free personal 1-2-1 session with an expert
  • Free Goody Bag on entry worth over £10
  • Free Parking 
  • All Day Refreshments
  • Wheelchair Friendly Venue

Early-bird Ticket Offer

Get your tickets now and save, Two tickets for £12 (£12 each on the day) and you’ll also get a goody bag on entry worth over £8

Early-bird Ticket Offer Get special offers for the next show here: https://thefamilyhistoryshow.com/tickets/


Ask the experts free One to One advice sessions


Find Out More at: https://thefamilyhistoryshow.com/ 

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