The Imperial War Museum have announced that TV historian Dan Snow will be a special guest at Who Do You Think You Are? Live at London Olympia. Dan has been chosen as their official ambassador of their 'Lives of the First World War' project and will be attending the Show on Thursday 20 February.
For your chance to meet Dan Snow, there's more details on the Who Do You Think You Are? Live website.
Dan Snow will be appearing at Who Do You Think You Are? Live
As the main family history fair in the world gets ever closer, the organisers have been issuing regular updates and promotions to entice people along for the 2014 event. With the first of the celebrities -John Simpson now confirmed, it promises to be another good event.
With the usual main exhibitors, excellent speakers and family history societies sure to be present and the Imperial War Museum launching their new First World War initiative at the show, there's many reasons for those both new to family history and the more experienced family historians to attend.
Don't forget the show runs from Thursday to Saturday this year with no Sunday opening:
Thurs 20th February 09.30 -17.30
Friday 21st February 09.30 - 17.30
Saturday 22nd February 09.30- 17.30
To whet your appetite, this is their latest video promoting the show: