As the main family history fair in the world gets ever closer, the organisers have been issuing regular updates and promotions to entice people along for the 2014 event. With the first of the celebrities -John Simpson now confirmed, it promises to be another good event.
With the usual main exhibitors, excellent speakers and family history societies sure to be present and the Imperial War Museum launching their new First World War initiative at the show, there's many reasons for those both new to family history and the more experienced family historians to attend.
Don't forget the show runs from Thursday to Saturday this year with no Sunday opening:
Thurs 20th February 09.30 -17.30
Friday 21st February 09.30 - 17.30
Saturday 22nd February 09.30- 17.30
To whet your appetite, this is their latest video promoting the show:
The dates for Who Do You Think You Are? Live at London Olympia have been announced for 2014. The show will run next year from Thursday 20 to Saturday 22 February, a change from the usual Friday to Sunday schedule. It'll be interesting to see if the change in show days has any effect on attendances, we'll find out next February. If you want to sign up to the official newsletter to keep up with the latest news, there's more details on the official site.
The Who Do You Think You Are? Live 2013 Show proved a big success again this year. Despite the chilly weather, large crowds gathered at the start of the day to make the most of the largest family history event in the world.
It was cold to queue but well worth the wait!
Many of the usual stands were present, including the major family history magazines, website providers, family history software and general genealogy suppliers, to a wide range of family history societies. The talks both from celebrities and from other expert genealogy speakers were informative and of interest to both the experienced and amateur family historian alike.
A great selection of free talks were also available
This year the celebrities being interviewed were Greg Wallace, Samantha Womack, John Barnes and William Roache. Eric Knowles returned as the heirloom detective and again proved very popular.
The busier days again were the Friday and Saturday, with Friday proving especially popular.
The Society of Genealogists ran a number of workshops over the three days which attracted many visitors. The subjects of parish records, how to record your findings and the different research techniques a family historian can use where all discussed in the workshops.
The S.O.G. Family History Show was also a popular feature again. Featuring over 50 family history societies, there was a wealth of both materials and advice for visitors to call upon.
Another busy year at WDYTYA Live!
Did you have a favourite talk or event if you attended the show? Did you find that missing bit of information or advice on how to continue your research? We'd love to hear how you enjoyed the show!
At Who Do You Think You Are? Live 2013, TheGenealogist launched a new set of records for family historians to use in their research.
New Casualty Lists
TheGenealogist launched a major new military collection to help you find more out about your ancestors that fought in The Great War. The collection is a list of soldiers of all ranks who were reported as injured, missing or prisoners of war by The War Office.
The coverage at launch covers the War Office’s ‘Weekly Casualty Lists’ from 1917-18 and this will be expanded by the daily casualty lists to cover from September 1914 to the last reports of 1919, as reports were still being published well after the war had officially ceased.
There are over 600,000 records available at launch which will grow to cover the entirety of World War One. From the first records of British losses through to early 1919, there’s more information than ever for family historians to access, to find out what their ancestors did in the Great War. With casualty lists recording all ranks from war office published lists, rolls of honour and other reports of the time, it’s all on TheGenealogist.
There’s more information on the Casualty Lists here.
As the premier UK family history event approaches, will you be visiting London Olympia this weekend for Who Do You Think You Live 2013?
The world's leading family history event starts this Friday (22nd February) at 10am and promises to be another great show. From all the major online resource providers such as TheGenealogist, to libraries, museums and dozens of family history societies there is a wealth of useful information to be found.
A busy day on TheGenealogist stand in 2012
The show encompasses the best in the field of family history, from informative workshops, expert talks and general products and services. Mark Bayley, online expert from TheGenealogist will be providing an in-depth talk on 'Breaking down those brick walls' amongst a number of informative talks to help the family history researcher.
Celebrity speakers this year having featured in the recent Who Do You Think You Are? TV series include- William Roache, Samantha Womack, Gregg Wallace and John Barnes who are all scheduled to speak in the Celebrity Theatre.
There's more details at which includes full timetables for talks and a list of exhibitors. We hope to see you there in what promises to be another busy and exciting show!