The largest family history show in the South West
This coming Saturday, 16th May 2015, between 10am to 4pm at The Winter Gardens, Weston-Super-Mare is "The largest family history show in the South West".
With over 40 exhibitors from all over the UK and Ireland, they have many family history societies and companies attending again this year.
Free Talks are being hosted throughout the day by various experts.
"Looking for Tommy - Tracing a Military Ancestor"
"Breaking Down Brick Walls in your family history research"
both of which are
by Mark Bayley, who is an Online Genealogy Expert.
"Recording, Reporting and Preserving Your Family History" with David Bayley, Genealogy Software Expert.
"Restoring Old Photographs & some tips for Do It Yourself Restorers" with Matt Curtis of Moments in Time.
"How to start researching your Family Tree" with David Gynes Dorset FHS
Whether you are a beginner or an expert, everyone will be made very welcome at the event and there will be a lot to see with refreshments available all day. For those coming by car there will be plenty of parking to take advantage of.
This event is organised by family historians for family historians and is their 9th show, which the organisers report is getting more popular each time. The event is sponsored by
S&N Genealogy Supplies and by leading British genealogy research website
TheGenealogist who will be there at the show.
As they say in their publicity: "Do you really know who you are? Come and find out - you may be surprised!"