This Saturday (15th March), sees the Dorset (Family History Society) Family History Day. It's being held at Parkstone Grammar School, Sopers Lane, Poole from 10am to 4pm.
This family history fair has free admission and free parking and a number of exhibitors, including TheGenealogist and S&N Genealogy Supplies will be present. There's also a seleciotn of quality talks including one from Peter Hart of the Imperial War Museum, who will be presenting a talk on "Life in the Trenches on the Western Front".
It promises to be a great event. Will you be going? There's more details on the Dorset Family History Society website.
A reminder that this weekend sees the Bracknell Family History Fair at Bracknell Leisure Centre. It's open this Sunday (26th January) from 10am to 5pm and there'll be a selection of free talks, including a few from TheGenealogist on 'Breaking down Brick Walls' and 'A Window into the Past' photo talk.
Admission to the family history fair is £3.
It's regarded as one of the major regional fairs so it's well worth attending for the great selection of exhibitors present offering all sorts of great resources for us family history researchers.
Hopefully see you there!
Bracknell Family History Fair, this Sunday from 10am to 5pm
The first family history fair of the New Year is shortly upon us. The popular Bracknell Family History Fair is on Sunday 26th January at Bracknell Sport & Leisure Centre. Admission is £3 and doors open from 10am to 5pm. There is free parking available and a cafeteria for drinks and snacks.
The Bracknell Family History Fair has been voted Number 3 in the country by Your Family Tree Magazine and is widely regarded as a family history fair well worth attending. This year, the Society of Genealogists will be attending, there'll also be a military history advice desk, specialist groups and a number of family history societies present. S&N Genealogy Supplies and TheGenealogist will also be present, providing talks on family history research.
There's more information at
The popular Bracknell Family History Fair returns on Sunday 26th January
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is consulting on the census and the future provision of population statistics in England and Wales.
It is considering options for how and when information is gathered on the population in future, which may possibly involve an end to the Census, which has been around since 1801, such an important document for family historians in their research.
The consultation is open for just a few more days, until 13 December 2013. Individuals and organisations are encouraged to take part. The Federation of Family History Societies (FFHS) has got involved and submitted its comments in the online questionnaire. The comments they make and the links to the Consultation Paper and Survey Form can all be found on the Federation website. The direct link to the Office of National Statistics consultation page can be found here.
The Society of Genealogists have now announced their programme of events for next year. It promises to be a busy year with a number of lectures, talks and other events planned. The events cover a wide range of subjects of interest to most family historians. There is also a strong military theme to coincide with the anniversary of the start of the First World War happening next year.
If you'd like to improve your family history knowledge or keep up to date with latest developments, there's full details on The Society of Genealogists website.
If you live in or are visiting the South Devon area, you may want to take advantage of a free local family history event In Newton Abbot, Devon this weekend. It's a 2 day event, starting today and continues on Saturday 16th November from 9am to 3.30pm.
It's run by the South Devon Family History Club, along with Devon Family History Society, and is the sixth Family History Weekend they have organised.
The event will be held at the Passmore Edwards Centre in Newton Abbot.
It should be of interest to family historians of all levels. There will be researchers on hand to help with all those frustrating genealogy queries we all come across!
This Saturday, the 26th October, (in what promises to be a busy weekend for family history fairs) sees the West Surrey Family History Society Open Day in Woking. After a popular fair last year, it promises to be a good one again this year.
Open from 10am to 4pm, there's a number of family history societies, suppliers and specialist help desks available. With a number of 'taster talks' on offer including looking at the information you can find from a photograph, local war memorials and the topic of DNA in family history, there's a talk of interest for everyone!There's also free parking available. More information is available from the West Surrey Family History Society website at
A wide selection of stalls and information on offer
This Saturday (12th October) sees the annual Glamorgan Family History Society Fair. It promises to be another popular fair held in South Wales at Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Centre, Merthyr Tydfil from 10am to 4pm.
Both admisssion and car parking are free and there's also a number of free talks available to attend. If you'd like to make it along and need more details visit the Glamorgan Family History Society website at
Glamorgan Family History Fair on Saturday 12 October
For those people who like to download their data rather than buying a copy on CD and having to wait for the postal delivery, you may be interested in the two latest parish record downloads available from S&N Genealogy Supplies. There are 2 Parish Registers from the county of Cheshire now available to download- registers of Stockport and Prestbury. The Stockport download covers the years from 1584 to 1619 and the Prestbury data is from 1560 to 1636.
To find out more or if you wish to order either of the data sets, go to the 'Latest Downloads' section of S&N Genealogy Supplies at
Stockport Parish Registers from 1584-1619 now available as an instant download
The Oxfordshire Family History Society 2013 Open Day is this forthcoming Saturday, 5th October and is to be held at The Marlborough School just outside Woodstock.
The Open Day will feature an assortment of visiting Family History Societies, publishers, dealers in second hand books and postcards, and more.
Opening times are 10am to 4pm and there is ample car parking available. Admission to the Open Day is free, as is the on-site car park.
There's more information available at