For those people who like to download their data rather than buying a copy on CD and having to wait for the postal delivery, you may be interested in the two latest parish record downloads available from S&N Genealogy Supplies. There are 2 Parish Registers from the county of Cheshire now available to download- registers of Stockport and Prestbury. The Stockport download covers the years from 1584 to 1619 and the Prestbury data is from 1560 to 1636.
To find out more or if you wish to order either of the data sets, go to the 'Latest Downloads' section of S&N Genealogy Supplies at
Stockport Parish Registers from 1584-1619 now available as an instant download
Was your ancestor a tradesman? Or did they own a local business or were viewed as one of the pillars of local society?
Chances are they are listed in one of the Kelly's Directories or to term it correctly, the Kelly's Post Office and Harrod & Co Directory. The idea of Frederic Festus Kelly, the Directories were the Victorian equivalent of the Yellow pages of modern times and as well as businesses, they included postal addresses of local gentry, landowners, charities and other facilities in a local area.
The directories are an important source of local research and are increasingly available online to view. TheGenealogist has a sizable collection now available online to view and has recently added the following directories to its collection.
Cumberland 1929 Kelly's Directory
Lincolnshire 1933 Kelly's Directory
Dorset 1912 Kelly's Directory
Hampshire 1912 Kelly's Directory
Herefordshire 1900 Kelly's Directory
Shropshire 1934 Kelly's Directory
Somerset 1897 Kelly's Directory
Suffolk 1916 Kelly's Directory
Westmorland 1929 Kelly's Directory
Wiltshire 1912 Kelly's Directory
The directories are available to view to all Diamond and Gold subscribers of TheGenealogist. If your ancestor ran a local business it's well worth a look!
The Freke Family outside their family butcher business