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Latest news from S&N Genealogy

Here at Family History Social, we've just received the latest e-mail news from S&N Genealogy Supplies with the latest developments. Firstly, there's news of the new release of nearly 500,000 Royal Navy and Merchant Seamen Ship Crew records on TheGenealogist, now available to view.There's also some great offers on archival products and new data CDs now available. There's an article on royal babies and the new series of Who Do You Think You Are? and a special research offer to subscribe to TheGenealogist available for a limited time. It’s all available here.


New magnifiers available from S&N Genealogy

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The Importance of Archiving

Here's our tip for the week. Once you have collected those precious documents, photos and other memorabilia as part of your family history research, it's worth remembering to keep it safe and protected! For example, standard PVC sleeves can suffer from leaching of plasticizer, which will lift print off pages and ruin your valuable material. To ensure that your collection of certificates and research documents are preserved in pristine condition, they should be kept in specialist binders with inert, archival quality sleeves. This keeps them in the best condition possible whilst still making them accessible, should you need to check your sources or share your research with friends and family. I use the binders from S&N Genealogy Supplies. I particularly like the new A4 Springback binders they offer. Unlike ring binders, you don't have to punch any holes in the paper - you simply choose the sheets you want, fold the covers of the binder back, and place the paper into the spine. You can add or remove pages as many times as you like. This binder has hardback covers with an acid-free lining, and has a 25mm capacity, which can hold up to 200 A4 pages. There's more details available here. Do you have any tips or advice that you use to protect all your valuable research?

Quality A4 Springback Binders from S&N

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