Ever wanted to know how much a sum of money was worth in the past?
The National Archives in the U.K. has this handy currency calculator on their website,
So if you want to know how much £1 would have bought you in 1270 it reveals that it is the equivalent of £729.83 (2017 value).
But more than that you can see that your £1 would have bought you a horse, or two cows, or 7 stones of wool. If you wanted 6 quarters of wheet, then your £1 would buy you that amount. And if you were to find a skilled tradesman to employ in 1270 then for £1 he would give you 100 days of work. This shows that value of a sum of money can be very different depending on what it was used for as I doubt a skilled tradesman would work for 100 days for just shy of £730!

Discover Your Ancestors Bookazine Issue 7 Just Released!
In the latest issue of this high quality bookazine (196 pages thick) there are articles looking into the family histories of:
- Dame Judi Dench,
- Jenna Coleman,
- Emily Bronte,
- and Roger Moore.
With pages packed with expert advice and fascinating social history this is a wonderful magazine for all those interested in family history.
Buy your copy now:

14th August, 2017
Discover Your Ancestors,
Family History,
Family Tree,
Handy Tips,
Latest News
Ancestors' Name Changes
Ancestors’ Appointment Diaries
History Of Newspapers
History Of Underwear
Ipswich Family History
Publishing History Influencing Fixation With Witches
Trends And Traditions Of Victorian Forenames
The August 2017 edition of
Discover Your Ancestors online periodical is available now and features some great articles this month.

With regular News, Events, Books and Classifieds this month also looks at Ipswich in its Regional feature.
This month's crop of articles are as follows:
‘Put it in the diary’: Ruth A Symes looks at what our ancestors’ appointment diaries can reveal
What’s in a name?: Denise Bates explores the trends and traditions of Victorian forenames
Changing names: Nick Thorne unravels a family of name changes and finds a black sheep exiled for his crime
Here is the news: Margaret Powling surveys the history of newspapers, and remembers her own family’s role in the trade
Woodcuts and witches: Jon Crabb explores how developments in publishing influenced the early modern fixation with witches
History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on underwear
Regulars: News / Events / Region: Ipswich / Books / Classifieds
You can get this month's edition from:
Or to give as a present get a 12-month gift voucher from

This weekend is going to be great for family historians in the area of York!
One of the largest family history shows in the UK

With exhibitors coming from all over Britain and Ireland, this family history show is probably the largest event of its kind in England. Every year the fair is well attended by family history societies and companies plus there is lots of local history from the York area as well.
The organiser's website says:
'You don't have to have Yorkshire Ancestors to come to this fair - they can be from anywhere at all! Everyone is very welcome and there is lots to see. There is plenty of parking and refreshments are available all day. There are several lifts to take you to the upper levels, and the whole place is wheelchair friendly.
Do you really know who you are? Come and find out - you may be surprised!'
Yorkshire Family History Fair
Saturday 24th June 2017
10am to 4.30pm
The Knavesmire Exhibition Centre, The Racecourse, York, YO23 1EX
Admission: Adults £4.80, Children under 14 FREE
To get a great deal on tickets take a look at their website now:
17th June, 2017
Discover Your Ancestors,
Family History,
Family History Brick Walls,
Family Tree,
Handy Tips,
Latest News
1870s Trade Directory For Worcestershire
Discover Your Ancestors Online Periodical
Family History Research
Marriage And Death Records
Titanic Passenger List
The Discover Your Ancestors Online Periodical was launched in May 2013 and has been providing a terrific mix of family history stories, case studies, social history articles and research advice. This regular and affordable service is a must have for anyone starting out in family history research or for those with more experience but who have reached brick walls. The high quality monthly digital magazine is delivered to your own personalised online account every month as a beautifully designed 30+ page online magazine. This regular and affordable service is highly recommended for anyone who is beginning to research their family tree as well as for those researchers who have more experience but may have reached brick walls in tracing their ancestors.

Sign up today for only £24.99 and receive the following:
- 12 monthly issues of the Periodical
- Access to 500,000,000 birth, marriage and death records
- Free data: Titanic passenger list
- Free ebook: 1870s trade directory for Worcestershire
Discover Your Ancestors
The National Archives has an interesting number of podcasts and webinars. Head over to:
One that is being publicised at the moment is by Tracy Borman who reveals how the Tudor monarchs were constantly surrounded by an army of attendants, courtiers and ministers, even in their most private moments. A groom of the stool would stand patiently by as Henry VIII performed his daily purges, and when Elizabeth I retired for the evening, one of her female servants would sleep at the end of her bed.
Dr Tracy Borman is a historian, author and joint Chief Curator for Historic Royal Palaces. Her books include the highly acclaimed ‘Elizabeth’s Women: the Hidden Story of the Virgin Queen’; ‘Matilda: Queen of the Conqueror’; and ‘Witches: A Tale of Sorcery, Scandal and Seduction’. Her latest book is ‘The Private Lives of the Tudors’, published by Hodder & Stoughton.

22nd December, 2016
Family History,
Family History Brick Walls,
Genealogy Magazines,
Handy Tips,
Latest News,
RootsMagic Family Software,
S&N Genealogy Supplies,
Benedict Cumberbatch
Celebrity Genealogies
Different Types Of Genealogy Records Explored
Jane Austen: 200th Anniversary
Life In The Past
Tom Hiddleston
Here is some great news - the wonderful Discover Your Ancestors Bookazine Issue 6 is now available from
S&N Genealogy Supplies

This 196 page bookazine contains new in-depth articles, research advice, social history, 'how to' features, case studies, places in focus, and much more! It is ideal for both experienced researchers and those just starting out.
- Fascinating features about life in the past
- Different types of records explored
- Jane Austen: 200th Anniversary
- Milestones of past lives: Follow key moments in your ancestors' journeys from birth to death
- Celebrity genealogies: Tom Hiddleston & Benedict Cumberbatch
- and much more!
Also included is a FREE Cover DVD with over £170 worth of resources! Including:
- 1 Month Diamond Subscription to TheGenealogist
- 3 Month Subscription to Discover Your Ancestors Online Periodical
- Visitation of England and Wales
- Peerage of Scotland & Ireland
- Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica
- TreeView 2 Lite family tree software
- RootsMagic Essentials family tree software
- No. of Pages: 196
To get your hands on it now go to:
December 2016 Discover Your Ancestors
The fantastic online periodical that is a must read for anyone researching their family history is out now. In this month's edition:
The tale of the mail: Harry Cunningham investigates how Britain’s Post Office has been operating for over 500 years
First-class appearance: Jayne Shrimpton investigates the uniforms our postal worker ancestors might have worn
‘For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil’: Nick Thorne investigates the story of the Reverend Vyvyan Moyle and his temptations of the monetary kind
Learning to walk: Sharon Brookshaw looks at how our forebears took their first steps, epitomising changing attitudes to childcare down the centuries
Great Uncle Mozart: David Lewiston Sharpe looks at the lineages of learning that connect generations of students and teachers
History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on waistcoats
Regulars: Region: Portsmouth / News & Events / Books / Classifieds

Read more at:
The November edition of the acclaimed digital family history magazine Discover Your Ancestors is out and packed with interesting articles. Have you got your copy?
- The People’s Palace: Eighty years ago this month the Crystal Palace burnt down. Sue Wilkes tells its story
- Banking on fraud: Nick Thorne discovers that a Royal Charter and having MPs for directors failed to stop a Victorian bank embezzling its customers’ money
- ‘Off by heart’: Ruth A Symes looks at the role of poems in the family
- Who teaches the teachers? Richard Willis explores the history of the Chartered College of Teaching
- The escapologists: Nick Thorne follows the ‘Thrill Slayer’ and the ‘Artful Dodger’ in newly released US records
- History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on blouses
- Regulars: Region: Cardiganshire / News & Events / Books / Classifieds

Head over to Discover Your Ancestors website
Discover Your Ancestors September 2016 Edition

Read about
The great fire brigade of London: Nicola Lisle looks at how the Great Fire led to the formation of the London Fire Brigade.
Find out about
1666 and all that: Margaret Powling looks at the rebuilding of London after the Great Fire 350 years ago.
Explore the records in
Tracing the trails our ancestors leave behind: Nick Thorne finds out about a soldier who served in every engagement from Corunna to Waterloo.
See the article...
Roast beef and rain?: Ruth A Symes uncovers a 19th century Frenchman’s views of our Victorian ancestors.
An English eccentricity: Colin Ellson explores the forgotten role of the ‘squarsons’ – wealthy priests at the head of their communities.
And take a look at
History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on men’s shirts.
As always the online magazine includes a number of
Regulars: This month's region: Worcestershire / News & Events / Books / Classifieds.
If you are not already a reader then go now to: