The family story of Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg, known better by her stage name of Jane Seymour, is an emotional rollercoaster of a ride. Her Father’s family are Jewish while her mother was a Dutch Protestant who had endured being in a Second World War Japanese concentration camp.
The television episode followed Jane as she discovered more about her two great-aunts, Michaela and Jadwiga who had experienced the horrors of Poland under Nazi occupation.
TheGenealogist website, meanwhile, has discovered that Jane's paternal grandfather, Leon Frankenberg, had come to Britain after his family had fled persecution in Eastern Europe. He was the lucky one as he established his own business and became a respected member of his local synagogue community as recorded in the London Jewish Seatholder's records now searchable on TheGenealogist.
Read full article on TheGenealogist site and discover more about Jane Seymour's family history.
The May issue of this great online family history magazine is now available!
This month, in the Discover Your Ancestors Periodical, they have articles on:
150 years of the Salvation Army and how to trace Salvationist ancestors entitled The front line of faith writtenby Nicola Lisle
All the fun of the fair: a preview of the Yorkshire Family History Fair
Before the census: Chris Paton looks at Scottish census and census substitute records before 1841
One-stop shops: Jayne Shrimpton explores the history of department stores and their impact on shoppers and staff
Saving what they could carry: Canada’s Great Fire of 1922
A May to remember: Keith Gregson tells the story of Britain’s worst railway disaster, sidelined by its occurrence during WW1
States of growth: Jill Morris on booming 19th century America
History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on parasols
Regulars: events / Books / Place in focus: Warwickshire / Classifieds
Visit their website to buy your copy today:
This Sunday the 25th January 2015, if you are in the area, why not head along to the Bracknell Family history Fair?
Many stalls and talks given by experts. Well worth a look!
If you are looking for a high quality family history monthly digital magazine delivered to your own online account every month then take a look at the Discover Your Ancestors Periodical.
It's a beautifully designed 30+ page online magazine that is packed full of stories, case studies, social history articles and research advice. It really is a great resource for anyone starting out in family history research, or for those with more experience but who have reached brick walls.
This month you can read the following informative articles:
Parliament and the people: Nell Darby looks back at the people’s relationship with Parliament, that is now 750 years old.
The hidden treasures of gravestones: Nick Thorne explains more about what he learned photographing and transcribing headstones.
Revolutionary biscuits: A slice of Dublin history revealed.
Seeking out the pros: Keith Gregson explores what can be learned about professional sporting ancestors in online records.
The rise and fall of the Darfield Flier: Michael Rochford reveals an interesting story of a Victorian cyclist.
Archive heaven: Melvyn Jones highlights the treasures in the archives of our great landed estates.
From Company to the Raj: Jill Morris explores British India History in the details.
Jayne Shrimpton: On muffs.
Visit their website to pick up your copy today:
As family historians we collect numerous valuable documents and heirlooms in our family history quest. With those family documents it's worth ensuring you keep a copy on file in case the worst happens and your collection gets damaged. One way of doing this is to use the Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner. The scanner allows you to digitise framed photos, albums, medals and pictures larger than the scanner if required.
S&N Genealogy Supplies have produced a demonstration video on the use of the Flip-Pal Scanner which can be viewed below. Have you used a Flip-Pal? What did you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.
This forthcoming weekend, Saturday 28th June, sees one of the major family history shows in the North of England, the Yorkshire Family History Fair. It is one of the largest family history shows in the UK , now in its 19th year and there are over 70 exhibitors expected on three floors.
There is plenty of parking, refreshments are available all day and lifts to take visitors to all three floors. The fair is open from 10am to 4.30pm and features a number of free talks including Mark Bayley from TheGenealogist.
If you've not been before, the fair is at The Knavesmire Exhibition Centre, The Racecourse, York YO23 1EX. Admission is £4.50 for adults and children under 14 have free admission.
There's more information available on the Yorkshire Family History Fair website.
It promises to be a great fair. Hopefully see you there!
Mark Bayley will be talking at the Yorkshire Family History Fair this Saturday
Today, Monday 9th June 2014, sees the opportunity for the general public to apply for free used microfilm from The National Archives. The redundant microfilm is being disposed of due to increasing online access in the reading rooms at Kew.
The offer opens today and closes on Sunday 27 June at 5pm. The films will be allocated by lottery, a draw will be carried out using numbered balls, with a separate draw for each batch. Requests are only accepted for whole batches. The films are free but successful applicants must arrange removal and meet the costs of removal from The National Archives.
Continuing the series of help and instructional videos, Mark Bayley from TheGenealogist has released a short video looking at how to search by address or street on the Census records using the excellent Master Search tools on
Also the £50 cashback offer is still available, visit TheGenealogist to take advantage of the limited time offer of a reduced price subscription.
The National Archives have announced they will begin to archive tweets and You Tube videos previously published by UK central government departments.
According to TNA, the UK government social media archive contains over 7,000 videos that date from 2006 to early 2014 and over 65,000 tweets from 2008 to September 2013. It covers some major events in our recent history, including: The Queen's Diamond Jubilee, the London 2012 Olympic Games,Budget announcements and the formation of the Coalition government following the general election in 2010.
The aim is to permanently preserve them as official public records, for future generations to no doubt read what life was like, as we family historians do now! There's more information at The National Archives website.
Social media records of central government to be stored by The National Archives
For those family historians always on the look out for more parish record information, the Somerset, Diocese of Bath & Wells, Bishops Transcripts are now available as a 'download' from S&N Genealogy. Originally published in 1922, the Bishops Transcripts are a great source of baptism, marriage and burial information as some of the original Parish Registers may have been lost or destroyed. Find out more at the S&N Genealogy website.